Innovative, effective and affordable… All-on-4 is an alternative treatment for denture patients looking to fix missing or deteriorating teeth.
The treatment makes use of the latest technology, tools and procedures from the world of dentistry, making it a highly effective option for many patients. Ultimately though, the determining factors of All-on-4 success start with patient suitability.
In order to guarantee a great All-on-4 success rate, patients generally must:
✓ Have adequate bone – Since All-on-4 treatment requires approximately four dental implants to support a full fixed-set of teeth, patients need to have an adequate amount of jaw bone. The shape, quality and amount of bone in the intended site for the implant will influence how successful the treatment is. The stronger the bone, the more support it will provide for the implant insertion, therefore offering a better, long-lasting result.
✓ Be in good health – Certain medical issues and habits including smoking, diabetes, bleeding disorders, compromised mental or physical integrity and taking certain medications can dramatically affect the procedure and outcome of All-on-4 treatment.
Dental implant location
Other external factors, such as the actual location of the dental implant, can also affect the All-on-4 procedure success rate. This is because specific jaw areas provide different amounts of support for the inserted dental implant.
The best position for dental implants is the front section of the lower jaw. Success rates are reported to be close to 100 per cent here.
Once dental implants are inserted in other areas of the mouth, the success rate can begin to decrease. For instance, published studies indicate a 98.2 per cent success rate for All-on-4 treatments in the lower jaw. Similar studies concluded that success in the upper jaw for the same procedure ranges from 97 to 98 per cent.
Essentially, the All-on-4 dental implant concept is highly successful. If on the rare occasion an implant does fail, the Sydney Implant Institute can place a new implant into the patient’s jaw using a different angle or position to make use of existing bone. This increases the success and long term durability of the fixed bridge once aligned with the new implant.
If All-on-4 sounds like a solution for you, contact the Sydney Implant Institute today to schedule a consultation.